Getting ahead in your career

Realising Ambitions

Getting ahead in your career

Everyone benefits when the organisation can promote employees from within.  It’s motivational for staff, increases organisational agility and it’s much cheaper than hiring externally too.

However, employees aren’t always aware of what they need to do to make themselves more promotable.  Being good at their current job is not the only criteria.

This session shows employees what to do to progress their career and become a rising star within their organisation.  It also supports EDI initiatives to ensure that everyone can realise their potential.

How to get ahead in your Career

What makes someone promotable?

Understanding what’s needed to step up to the next level

Researching your next step

Identifying routes and what’s needed to bridge any gaps

Raising visibility and building reputation

How to network internally, gain additional experience and manage your PR

Job crafting and experimenting

How to learn and develop even within your current role

Organisational career paths

Identifying possibilities, routes, role models that you can follow or new paths you can create

Talking about yourself positively

Managing your own internal PR so it’s clear what you can offer

Career Conversations – how to use them

Talking with people who can help you with ideas, support, reality-checking as well as potential opportunities

Applying for internal roles

What helps internal candidates get shortlisted and offered the job

Benefits of

Reduced recruitment costs

Improved retention

More engagement

Increased staff agility

Positive role modelling

Greater leadership diversity and inclusion

Personal Career Management

Suitable for:

  • Ambitious employees keen to progress their career
  • Talent groups under-represented at senior levels eg BAME, women in leadership, disability networks
  • Early careers employees, graduates and apprentices
  • Preparing for internal promotion boards


Getting ahead in your career

Career Conversation Training


From £850+ VAT for a virtual webinar


From £1500+ VAT for an in-person workshop

“It taught me that the ‘head down, work hard, people will notice and appreciate this’ approach is not enough, if you want to get promoted. You have to bring people’s attention to what you have accomplished. It was super-helpful.”



The Next Step

Contact us on 0345 686 0745 or fill in our contact form

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    Will the session cover information about organisational career paths and development opportunities?

    Yes, we’ll discuss with you what information would be helpful to share including career routes, internal development opportunities and any resources available such as mentoring.

    Is the training delivered virtually or in person?

    It can be delivered virtually or in person.  We’re happy to discuss the format that will work best for you.