Retirement Transitioning

Writing the next chapter

Many people don’t want to give up work entirely when they reach retirement age but they do want to spend their time differently, with a new blend of professional, voluntary and personal interests.

We work with Partners retiring from Professional Services Firms, CEOs, Directors and more junior staff to help them write their next chapter.  Whether they are interested in continuing to use their professional skills, changing direction, voluntary work or taking time out, we offer both practical advice and a sounding board to help them with this transition.

This is not only immensely helpful for the individual but also enables a much smoother handover for the organisation.

Retirement transitioning programme elements:

Clarifying priorities

What retirement means for you including future wants, needs, purpose and structures

Career capital and life experience

What can you offer and what do you want to offer in the future?

Exploring options

Advice on possibilities including using related professional skills or pursuing other areas of interest.

Action plan

Planning for succession and handover and setting up new opportunities ahead of time

New roles

Applying for roles including advice on CVs and interviews, applications, NED selection or setting up own consultancy

Health and well-being

Protecting well-being on exit and during the transition, setting up new support structures and sense of purpose

Preparing for interviews and job-hunting strategies

Retirement transitioning programmes are suitable for:

  • Those likely to want to continue working in some capacity, whether on a paid or voluntary basis
  • Individuals ambivalent or unsure about this next life stage
  • Can be provided either as individual coaching, group workshop or both

Retirement Transition Programme Benefits

Smoother “off-boarding”

Enabling succession planning and handover

Retaining knowledge

Recruiting mentors and contingency bank

Protecting well-being

Health, happiness and financial sustainability

Retirement coaching and workshops

The Retirement support can be delivered via coaching, workshops or webinars.

Some organisations will also provide finance and pensions advice to sit alongside these sessions.

Retirement Programmes

Retirement Coaching

From £500 + VAT for a coaching session including access to icareercoach™

Retirement workshops

From £850 + VAT for a webinar

From £1,500 + VAT for an in person workshop

“The most helpful thing I found was the work around identifying my true personal values. This was a place of discovery and fixed in my mind where I might spend my energies in retirement.”

H. Palmer

The Next Step

Contact us on 0345 686 0745 or fill in our contact form and one of our team will be happy to ring you and discuss your requirements.

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    Retirement Transitioning FAQs

    Do you offer pensions and financial advice?

    We don’t and would recommend that you talk to a suitably accredited financial adviser who can answer all of your queries on this.

    When should we start retirement coaching?

    For those in senior level roles we advise that retirement conversations and support should start 5 years prior to retirement to allow for succession planning and a more carefully managed exit from the business.

    For those in more junior roles, we would recommend 1-2 years before.