Career Coaching Services

Love Monday Mornings!

Career Coaching

We specialise in helping people manage their career, working with both organisations and individuals to help people be at their best at work.  Our career coaching makes sure that people are in the right job for them, helping them realise their potential, overcome career challenges and grow their capabilities for the future.

For individuals, career coaching can mean the difference between loving Monday mornings or dreading them. For organisations, career coaching means happier, more confident and engaged employees,  leading to improved performance, greater retention and the ability to develop your future leaders.


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Joining Personal Career Management

What is corporate career coaching?

Corporate career coaching is used strategically by organisations to help engage, grow and retain its talent.  It’s key to building future workforce capabilities, succession planning and to diversity and inclusivity commitments.

It’s also used tactically to support particular individuals who need expert career help and an objective sounding board, which is often not easily available in-house.   This includes those facing tricky career challenges or dilemmas as well as individuals who want to grow their soft skills  or wishing to enhance their personal impactwishing to progress their career, includes those who would benefit from:

  • Leadership skills development
  • Enhancing their personal impact, effectiveness and self-awareness
  • Advice on dealing with a difficult career challenge or dilemmas
  • Exploring their career options
Career Coaching for Organisations

Our Corporate Career Coaching Services Include…

Career coaching for talent groups such as those on leadership programmes or EDI networks

Individual coaching for those with specific challenges

Career clinics available to all staff for one-off career coaching sessions

How we help individuals

This individual career coaching is more personalised and caters to people from various professional backgrounds. It can be sought by anyone looking to explore their career options, make career transitions, enhance their skills, or overcome personal obstacles. The focus is on the individual’s aspirations and needs, irrespective of organisational affiliation.

For individuals, our coaching programmes help them:

  • Discover how they can work at their best
  • Explore options and make smart career decisions
  • Land the job they want
Career Coaching for Individuals
Career Coaching